The last scene of season 1 was the explosion of the jet. Neal was sent back to prison for his attempt of fleeing. Peter got him out again. In this season, Peter's attitude toward Neal was different. Considering Neal's pain of losing his beloved girlfriend, Peter and Mozzie together prevented Neal from doing something stupid. They seemed fully trust each other after EP208. However, in the last 5 minutes of season 2, the trust was broken and left audiences with great curiosity about the coming season 3.

Interesting episodes:
EP201: Neal and Peter worked together on a bank robbery. They proved again that they are a great team.
EP203: Neal got copycats. He went to meet them, a professor who taught crimes and his several students, and worked together with them in order to catch them.
EP207: Neal and Peter together ran a prisoner's dilemma on a "put your C.I. to work" day.
EP208: Neal and Peter went undercover in a high-tech company.
EP209: Neal found Fowler was innocent. Mozzie cracked the code inside of the music box but soon got shot and the code was stolen.
EP210: Peter was framed for a crime he did not commit, and was suspended from the FBI. They organized a con to catch the real criminal.
EP211: A flashback episode to disclose how Neal became a con and how he was caught by Peter.
EP213: Neal was approached by an old friend of June's and he made Neal to think carefully about his future, being a con or being a man.