20100317 Rotterdam to Paris
After around 3 months, I took Thalys to Paris again. But this time I was alone.
The first impression was "hot". Paris was around 16C. I wore too much.
After leaving luggage at hotel, I went to Bibliotheqe nationale de France(密特朗國家圖書館). I wanted to visit it when I saw its picture few year ago. It was a long trip from my hotel to it, crossing Paris downtown. It has 4 tall L-shape buildings, like opened books. But it was not as tall as I imagined. It has lower levels, which are under the plaza. I saw the interior, the bright, quiet, and open space that people could enjoy their reading there. When standing on the plaza, I heard noises made by hundreds of birds flying around trees in the middle yard of the library. It's really an astonishing image that among those building, which are made by concrete and glass, are old trees, which are taller than 10 meters. I could imagine that people who sit inside and look outside, they may feel that they are in a forest. This library really makes me amazed.
Then I had dinner in a restaurant nearby. It sales natural, fresh, and ready foods. I had a cup of carrot soup and a pizza with spanize, bacon and goat cheese. Soup was really good. And the pizza, the first bite was not bad. But the special taste of goat cheese became more and more obvious. I think it was too strong to me, but I was still happy that I tried.
Then I walked to Chinatown. It was much longer than I expected. And I needed to climb up to the hill. When I nearly gave up, I finally arrived. It was late, and I didn't have much time to explore it. I went to a shopping center to buy some food for my breakfast. The shopping center is surrounded by tall resident buildings, and there are many Chinese around the area. The shopping center and the surrounding made me feel that I was in HK. I hope next time I would have time to explore this area. I like to see differences among Chinatowns in different countries.
Then a long trip back to the hotel.
20100318 Musee d'Orsay--> Musée de l'Orangerie des Tuileries --> Centre Georges Pompidou
I decided to visit 3 museums in one day. First destination is Musee d'Orsay. I took the metro to metro station Tuileries, and walked across the garden and the river to the museum. It took me more than half an hour waiting to enter the museum(timing is important, when I left around 2, no need to wait). It was a pity that it was not allowed to take photos in the museum. Because it was under renovation, many masterpieces of impressionism are located along a long, narrow gallery. It was very crowded. Several works had been in Taiwan before. I still prefer Monet's work. On the opposite gallery, there are works of Millet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Courbet,and Manet. Millet's most famous works, are here, such as 拾穗, 晚禱, and 牧羊女. Van Gogh's 午睡,奧維的教堂 are displayer. Some paintings are on loan for exhibition. But it is really amazing to see many famous paintings in a single museum. That's why so many visitors.
After leaving Orsay, I walked to 駐法台北代表處, which is really close to the museum. It became a scenic spot because it was the apartment of 千秋 and 野田妹 in Paris in 交響情人夢電影版. I haven't watched the movie, but I like the drama.
Then I walked to Musée de l'Orangerie. Some impressionism paintings are here. There are some Modigliani's works. The most famous collection here is Monet's water lily series. There are two oval rooms, around the wall are 4 water lily paintings. Sitting in the middle, watching the paintings with natural sun light, I felt that I was in the natural, surrounded by waters, with mild wind. Very comfortable feeling.
Leaving the museum, walking in garden Tuileries, enjoying the nice view and weather, how wonderful Paris is in spring!
Before entering Pompidou, I had an Opera(a cake) for tea time. It was a little too sweet. At 6th floor of Pompidou, visitors could enjoy the city view of Paris. I saw Montmartre and Notre Dame. I hope one day I could sit in the restaurant at 6th floor to enjoy food and view. The collection of Pompidou are contemporary arts. Picasso, Miro, Matisse, Duchamp and Kandinsky. There is also renovation here so collections after 1945 are closed. At 4th floor are modern female artist exhibition. Various kinds of art are displayer. I have to say I do not really understand the modern art.
I had dinner in a restaurant next to Pompidou. It is a self-served restaurant. Pick what you like. I had a steak, fries, and salads. I enjoyed it.I came back to hotel around 8pm. I was exhausted but fulfilled. All museums are worth visiting.
20100319 Eiffel Tower--> Universitie Paris III and VI --> Galleries Lafayette --> Paris Nord --> Rotterdam
Last time I saw Eiffel Tower at night. So this time I wanted to see it in the daytime. The tower with the blue sky and green in the Mars garden together was a fascinating picture. Then I went to Universitie Paris III and VI. It was a pity that I could only see the exterior. Then I walked along the Seine river to see Pont Neuf(the new bridge, in fact it was the oldest bridge across the Seine) and the Art Bridge next to it. Next time I'd like to take the river boat to enjoy the view. Then I passes by the Paris Opera House to Galleries Lafayette. I had lunch there. It was delicious and I could see Eiffel Tower from my seat. It was a pity that I had no much time because it was on promotion. I only bought small cakes at Lafayette Gourmet(buy one get one free).
The way back was not that good. First, the train was late. Passengers were impatient and rushed to board on the train. The unclear instruction made many people boarded on the wrong train. And finally, it left after half an hour delay. Then I went back with 3-day happy memories.
Next time I want to visit 凡爾賽宮, 巴比松和楓丹白露.