2009年11月10日 星期二
Rookies EP1~3
2009年11月5日 星期四
Dreams, Passion and Courage--Rookies
2009年10月19日 星期一
Lectures ended, Exams are coming
The end of all lectures of block one is coming.
On Wednesday, exam week begins!
Keep my pace to move on(Although slower than others)
After next Monday, my life will be better again!
2009年10月7日 星期三
Rainy day
Walking in the rain toward metro station at 8:00AM doesn't a good experience.
After a 3-hour class, there's another one waiting.
I just wanna go home.
To be honest, I don't feel easy at school.
And I still have mant readings, several presentations waiting for me.
I am looking forward the weekend.
Maybe it's the weather that makes me a little bit depressed.
2009年9月20日 星期日
在電車經過Erasmus Bridge上的時候 望著橋和下面的河水和船隻 在回過頭看看車內的乘客
好像已經很習慣這樣的日子 坐著電車或是地鐵 在不大的Rotterdam來去 身處在大部分跟你不同種族的人群 聽著他們講你不懂的語言 其實才一個月而已呀
Culture Shock, 是所有留學生必經歷之事情
大致歸納一下 我所感受到的
1. 食:
超市其實有不少食材 是可以拿來做自己習慣的料理的 一餐價格3塊就可以吃得很均衡也很豐盛
(奶製品 牛肉 麵包比台灣便宜 水果價差和台灣比不會差太多 可是果汁很貴 超市裡其實也有很多方便菜 滿省事的)
學校餐廳 麵包比超市貴很多 但在餐廳裡算平價的食物 湯 莎拉都還好 熱食很貴 最起碼要3塊 )
很多荷蘭人 中午都只吃麵包 對吃慣熱食的我而言 一開始還挺痛苦的
荷蘭人飲食習慣 不是非常健康(麵包+Cheese+ 果汁或牛奶) 就是非常不健康(炸薯條 炸...)
麥當勞 Subway都OK
2. 衣:
這邊大部分人都穿得很素 很多都是穿幾層棉質的衣服 牛仔褲配靴子是常見的搭配 夏天夾腳拖也常見
現在天氣大概在10~20左右 每個人都有不同的穿法 有人依舊是短袖 也有人是毛衣圍巾
Anyway, it's up to you.
3. 住:
根據台灣同學說法: 荷蘭人對物質生活要求不高 房子的擺設都很簡單
這邊的住址 如果是同一棟不同層 可能是門牌號碼數字不同 或是數字相同後面+ ABCD...
所以沒有所謂幾號幾樓 而且這邊1樓是0樓(Ground) 2樓才是1樓
這裡的電梯 大多都沒有關門鍵 所以就自己等它關吧
4. 行:
自行車是很多荷蘭人的交通工具 失竊率很高 所以所有人都說 一定要買好鎖 不過想到寒冷的冬天 所以我還是沒有想買車的念頭
電車也是很好的大眾運輸工具 只是不一定準時 有時要等很久
地鐵 沒有空調 車站的設計也滿簡單的 台灣捷運真的不錯
火車 是城市間的重要交通工具 沒有閘門 分1 2 等艙 自己買票 自己找位子坐 逃票被查是會被罰很多錢的 火車折扣卡是喜歡趴趴走的人必備
買了月票之後 就地鐵 電車混和著搭 雖然沒有省很多錢 但是很方便 不過自行車還是省的多
5. 育
在荷蘭 同時在不同學校攻讀不同的學位和課程是可能的
所以我的同學中 有一些還在Laiden繼續其他的課程 '
對西方人而言 大學時除了專注在主修課程上 同時接觸不同的領域也是很常見的
所以他們會跟你說 我的major是... 我同時也修.... 曾經去...當交換學生
跟我極為單調的大學生活相比 他們的人生很不相同
RSM將一學年分為4個block, 我的program是每門課程6堂課18小時 之後就考試 不過就都下一個block結束後補考
考試 是最有趣的地方 所有的考試 都在一間超大的試場舉行 你必須要找到自己的位置 小心不要考錯試了 要去廁所 你必須拿學生證去跟監考老師換一張"Toilet Card" 才能出試場 到了廁所門口 將卡交給管理者 他會跟你說 去上哪間廁所 這是很特別的事情 雖然我並不覺得在防弊上有很大作用
我們的考試 幾乎都是Case Study. Open questions. 我們要提出論點並且闡述理由 這和台灣的教育很不一樣 我還沒找出應試最佳流程
西方的飲酒文化 到了這裡才有深刻感受
沒事喝一杯 周末夜喝一杯 Party更不用說 有同學party隔天下午來上課時還是滿臉通紅
天氣好 大家就會跑出來曬太陽 太陽底下 真的是暖和多了
是的 荷蘭的天氣常常是不穩定的
夏天時 偶爾下陣雨 可能5分鐘後就停了
進入10月 下雨的日子多了 有沒有太陽溫差很大 晴朗的日子可能還有20度 陰雨天可能只在12, 13度
有時是整天雨不停 也有下兩小時後出大太陽 再過一兩小時天空又烏雲密布
人 總是要看到外面的世界 才能體會自己的家鄉的好
2009年9月7日 星期一
I dreamed home last night
I was with my family, grandparents, and friends.
I forgot what I was doing, but I remembered that I was busy.
At last, I was going to have 15hr flight flying back to Rotterdam.
I hated the long flight and I was not very glad.
At these moment, I suddenly realized that "I was in Rotterdam."
Although I was glad that I didn't need to take a long flight, but the fact that I was alone in Rotterdam made me a little depressed.
2009年9月5日 星期六
World Port Days (Wereldhavendagen) in Rotterdam
2009年8月29日 星期六
Aug 29 Den Haag
2009年8月22日 星期六
Aug 22, 2009 Trip to Kinderdijk
2009年8月21日 星期五
A long journey to new life
From Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
To Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Aug 18
19:35 Say goodbye to my family, journey begins
20:30~21:15 Kaohsiung to Taipei
23:05 Leave Taipei
Aug 19
1:40(Bangkok time) Arrive at Bangkok
2:55~9:32 Bangkok to Schiphol (Amsterdam)
10:06 Enter the Netherlands
10:43~11:30 Schiphol (Amstrdam) too Rotterdam Centraal Statin (by Train)
18:30 Arive at African Inn, my dorm
From home to my dorm, I took nearly 36hours. This long journey brought me into a new life.
After saying goodbye to my family, I stepped forward to the custom, then to the gate. I felt a little bit nervous. The feeling that I didn't want to leave my family was strong until the plane took off.
My emotion was calm when I was in Taoyuan airport.
I a lucky to have an isle eat. TThe plane to Bangkok was with many vacancies. Two seats next to me were empty that I could put my legs straight. Next to the isle was a Taiwanese travel group. You could tell that they were excited anticipating the trip. The movie played was Star Trek XI, which made me happier. After having a meal and no longer after the movie ended, I arrived at Bangkok. It was midnight at Bangkok. There were still several flights at that time. Two of them were heading for Dubai. You could see many passengers are Arabians.
After nearly one hour stay, I continued my trip to Amsterdam. From Bangkok to Amsterdam, the plane was full. About half of passengers were Taiwanese, others are Europeans and Thais. There was a woman with her children sitting next to me. After a short sleep, a meal was served again that I was awoke by the noise. Afte the dinner, I tried to sleep again but failed. When I gave up, it was about half of the 12hr flight. The only thought in my mind was: I want to get off the plane!
In the rest 6 hours, I fell asleep for less than a hour. I read, wrote, watched a weird movie, and had a breakfast and another meal. Finally, the plane landed.
Outside the gate, the passport and the visa were checked. I was asked about my destination, purpose, how long to stay, when would my program start. Then passing through the custom, I had my first step on the Netherlands. After picking up my luggage, the officer checked it. It was my second time to be checked when using this large suitcase.
Train plarforms and ticket booth were easily found. On the platfrm,, an Indonesia women helped me bring my luggage onto the train and found a sit for me. She got off at first stop, Leiden. She said goodbye and wished goodluck to me. I appreciated her help. Outside the window, I saw many needle-leave trees, grasslands with cows on them, and watercourses flow through the lands with boats on them. It's a beatiful country picture.
I bought strippenkart, and then we took tram #21 to Avenue Corcodia, where the agency and I-house located. I met other 2 Taiwanese students, Joy and Lucy there. Joy cooked noodles for us to be lunch. After taking a rest, I picked up my key at Stadswonen then headed for my dorm. I changed tram at Beurs, where you can see as downtown. Crossed Erasmusburg into south Rotterdam. I got off at Vuurplaat. It took me sometime to find my dorm. I was so tired at that time. Finally, I found it. My 36 hour journey from my home in Kaohisung to my dorm in Rotterdam came to an end.
The first impression of my room was a little bit old. But the view was not bad and it equipped many stuffs. The internet didn't work, which depress me a lot. I wanted to talk to Henry so much.
Quickly I went to Albert Heijn to buy a brocolli and juice. I cooked instant noodles to be my first meal here. But I had no appetite at all. The sunset was at 9pm. Then I went to sleep around 11pm.
2009年8月12日 星期三
Last Night in Hsinchu
I have been here for nearly 8 years.
I still remember the first two year was full of unpleasant memories. I hated here. I felt so lonely here. I still remember the feeling.
I escaped, then came back.
I found a way to live. I can't remember from when I got used to the life, the weather, the people here. I am familiar with Hsinchu more than my hometown, Kaohsiung now.
My university life was very boring. I hope I can have a happy school life in Rotterdam, to create some wonderful memories.
My graduate school life was much happier. I had friendly lab mates. I had Henry to be with me on weekends. These two yearwas the happiest time for me in Hsinchu.
The two-year work life was a precious experience. I had a chance to work at a global company, learning to become a qualified engineer. Although I don't like the long working hours, I can't deny I have learned much, both professional and personal. I realized how real society works. I have to appreciate my superiors and coworkers.
Yesterday was my last work day. I left the office. The door closed in front of me. Maybe in the rest of my life, I won't able to sit in there again. Handed out my badge, rode my motorcycle to leave the office building. The feeling was hard to tell. In order to begin a new life, even though there are things want to keep in the old one, I have to give up.
Tonight I rode through 清夜. It was crowded as usual. I had clear feeling that I no longer belong to here.
Now sitting in my room, tomorrow I will leave here, and will not come back in a short time. I didn't remember the feeling I had at the night of my last day in Kaohsiung before I went to Hsinchu to become a freshman.
Next Monday will be my last day in Taiwan before I go to Rotterdam. What will I feel? I don't know. But I believe it will be hard for me to fall asleep.